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Saturday, October 01st,   2011

08:30 - 10:30
SY_14. Affective modulation of cognitive control processes

Schuch Stefanie & Koch Iring

SY_14.1 - The influence of considered positive emotions on inhibition Katzir Maayan, Eyal Tal, Meiran Nachshon & Kessler Yoav 

SY_14.2 - Humor regulates cognitive control: a neural mechanism van Steenbergen Henk, Band Guido P.H., Hommel Bernhard, Rombouts Serge A.R.B. & Nieuwenhuis Sander 

SY_14.3 - Reward-based adaptive binding in cognitive control Braem Senne, Verguts Tom, Roggeman Chantal & Notebaert Wim 

SY_14.4 - Affective modulation of cognitive flexibility Froeber Kerstin & Dreisbach Gesine 

SY_14.5 - Task switching in dysphoria: The specific effects of dysphoric rumination on task selection Owens Max & Derakshan Nazanin 

SY_14.6 - The influence of stress on inhibitory control Schuch Stefanie & Koch Iring 

16:20 - 17:20

OS_29. Perception and action

OS_29.2 - Cognitive control and mental rotation speed predict surgical skills Band Guido P.H., Piederiet Annamarie, Hultzer Gertjan & Hamming Jaap 

Sunday, October 02nd,   2011

11:30 - 13:10
SY_28. Feedback processing and the brain: The ESCAN symposium at ESCoP

van der Molen Maurits

SY_28.1 - Feedback processing in a hypothetico-deductive reasoning task Vidal Franck, Carbonnell Laurence, Sequeira Henrique & Caverni Jean-Paul 

SY_28.2 - Slowing after infrequent salient feedback irrespective of valence: Support for the orienting account Notebaert Wim, Nunez Castellar Elena, Van der Borght Liesbeth & Fias Wim 

SY_28.3 - A tribute to Charlie Chaplin: How feedback-based learning benefits from watching slapstick comedy (and other dopamine-boosters) Ridderinkhof K. Richard, van Wouwe Nelleke C., Band Guido P.H., van de Vijver Irene, van den Wildenberg Wery P.M. & Wylie Scott A. 

SY_28.4 - Feedback-related processes during a time production task in young and older adults Falkenstein Michael, Wild-Wall Nele & Willemssen Rita 

SY_28.5 - Autonomic and brain correlates of social-evaluative feedback processing van der Molen Maurits, Gunther Moor Bregtje & Crone Eveline 

18:00 - 20:00

Aging and dementia

PS_3.004 - Online games training aging brains van Muijden Jesse, Band Guido P.H., Colzato Lorenza & Hommel Bernhard 



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  • SEPEX - Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental

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